0113 880 0222 office@leedsot.co.uk

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In addition to carrying out assessments and completing reports at Leeds Occupational Therapy we also offer a range of therapies and treatment. For example, we can offer:

Neurological Rehabilitation

Examining issues such as strength, endurance, range of movement, balance, mobility, and cognition. Looking at each of these areas in detail can help to improve independence in everyday tasks and activities, empowering the individual.


Our occupational therapists are specialists in splinting and can offer a range of splinting options to suit your specific need, such as custom made splints, ready-made splints, resting splints, and dynamic splints. Initially our occupational therapists would assess and measure for the required splint, advising on which suit would best suit your needs. This could then be fabricated, prescribed, and fitted. The splint would need to be monitored on a regular basis, reviewing effectiveness and adjusting the splint where necessary.

Functional Rehabilitation

Our occupational therapists are experts in assessing functional capabilities and how conditions impact on ability to carry out day to day occupations. By carrying out assessments of your daily activities an occupational therapist can break the task down identifying where the difficulties lie and what is preventing the task from being completed successfully.

Falls Reduction

Our occupational therapists can offer practical advice on how to reduce the risk of falls such as modifying the environment or considering physical factors. Psychological input can also be beneficial in order to increase confidence and promote independence thus reducing the risk of future falling.

Sensory Loss Therapy

Our occupational therapists at Leeds Occupational Therapy can assess the impact of sensory loss highlighting how it affects you and what rehabilitation goals are required. Our occupational therapists use sensory stimulation which can help to increase sensation, proprioception, and coordination by use of task training, grading, and tactile training.

Fatigue Management

Our occupational therapists can devise personalised fatigue management treatment plans in order to address fatigue problems. Our occupational therapists specifically look at energy conservation, pacing, and relaxation strategies, encouraging the client to take responsibility and be involved in the goal setting process.


At Leeds occupational therapy we can provide a variety of training. We carry out specific types of training including moving and handling techniques, training how to use a hoist safely with a client, positioning, splint fitting, and manual handling risk assessments.

Psychosocial Support

If you have experienced emotional distress our occupational therapists can offer psychological support. This can be provided by means of advanced communication skills and talking therapies. Although not trained counsellors our occupational therapists are very experienced in dealing with emotional issues. The emphasis of holism in occupational therapy ensures consideration of emotional and psychological issues as well as the more visible physical problems.


Occupational therapists can help you to develop an understanding of your condition by using teaching techniques. By gaining a more in-depth understanding of the condition, learning what aggravates it, and what makes it easier to manage can all help to empower the individual and enable informed decision making by the client.

To arrange an occupational therapy assessment with one our occupational therapists please email office@leedsot.co.uk or call 0113 880 0222.